Hi! Two years ago (or thereabouts) I moved this blog over to Wordpress, and my website to a new host. Well guess what?
Ooops, I Did It Again - I only made a couple of posts there, and have since moved my domain & hosts again (and lost my email in the process! whatta dope I am!) and am in the process of rebuilding the site, and am thinking I may just pick up where I left off on good ol' "Blogger", and keep my blog here - WHERE IT BELONGS! ;-)
Since then I completed my 365 self portrait project (which, you cannot view, as it was all on Flickr - see next) - I quit Flickr (and deleted my entire account) - I reopened my Etsy shop, started Society6 and RedBubble shops - have started a couple new painting series - got a supershort pixie haircut (then immediately started growing it out! hah!) - became an AiC Art-O-Mat artist - participated in this year's (2014) Twitter Art Exhibit hosted right here in Orlando Florida - became the luckiest lil art gal when Mr Gem started a new job with a major arts & crafts retailer (HOLLA!) and mostly just became all DIYsy and much more focused on art than photography. I still love it, just - since the "Fall of the House of Flickr" I kinda felt a little lost, photography-wise and didn't feel I had a good place to both show & share, so I kinda stopped taking as many pics.
But now I realize that place is gonna hafta be here and on my OWN website - where I make the rules, and where changes are only to be foisted upon me by - ME ;-D
So, welcome back. It's gonna be fun. Promise!
xoxo gem