Saturday, January 8, 2011

Gem Says: Start Over

Gem Says: Start Over
Originally uploaded by gemgirlart
Soooo. Hello.
Happy New Year!

We don't even talk about last year anymore, that hideoderous and horrible thing - it's sooooo last year ;-)
Onward & upward!

Lots of personal goals and fun things on my to-accomplish list in 2011. One of which was to not just all the time look at other people's art, whether photos on Flickr or fave'ing stuff on Etsy or following fun bloggers. But actually purchasing real-life handmade original ART. I have some prints, and a few paintings traded with other artists, and a lotta ATCs and PCs and other lovely swap-art - but do you know? I really think this piece is my first actual boughten original art. Ya know, you see someones pictures and ya maybe even follow their link to their Etsy or Artfire or wherever page, and maybe ya even fave-save it, but you never go on and BUY the thing?

Well, that's what I usually did. I'd make excuses about the price or I didn't NEED it or gosh, I'm an "artist", I can and/or should just make one like it myself (boy thats a big one for me, and you know? I can and should but I never DO.) So anyway along came Aimee of MazerDesign, who I've followd randomly for awhile on Flickr, Etsy and Facebook, and she shows up with this lovely little 6x6 collage painting and it fairly SHOUTS at me "Hello? It's Me! I belong with you!" and it was like right before New Years and since I'm all about "This is the Year!" "The Time is Now!" and I had Christmas gift money I was told in no uncertain terms I was only to spend on MYSELF, and I went straight to Etsy and I bought that little painting, like literally within minutes of Aimee listing it. It's titled Emerging, and it's my goal and motto for the coming year, though I'd say in my case it's RE-emerging ... from my artless, craftless, avoidance-bound existance of 2010.

So, thank you Aimee! and here's to 2011,
with more blogging, more arting - both creating & buying, a 365 (did she just say? ... yeah she said it ...) loads more photo shoots, revisiting my own Etsy dreams (including oddly enough a shop based solely on 6x6 paintings which I adore completely and another reason Emerging was like, so meant for me) and just basically starting my 2nd life ...

Peace out, homies {heart}
~ gem ~

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